And here she is, I am so pleased with her. The white gold is so subtle and her shape just flows beautifully and the moonstones and diamonds just set her off so well…….so happy!

And here she is, I am so pleased with her. The white gold is so subtle and her shape just flows beautifully and the moonstones and diamonds just set her off so well…….so happy!
Its been two days on the work bench so far and now I am just awaiting the arrival of the white gold to add to her, some black diamonds have been ordered as well.I have wanted to make this piece since I saw the beautiful picture in Jackie Morris’s book “The White Fox” and she […]
Yoga done, dog walked and now time for the work bench!
Happy Easter every one, we hope you all have a lovely break and do pop in if you are near.
I have been busy on the work bench, this time with vintaj brass pieces here is one of them. A tiny beech leaf pendant with apatite. very pretty.